Elder Abuse Attorney in Los Angeles

Elder abuse remains an unfortunate and widespread issue, often lurking beneath the surface of society’s awareness. If you harbor suspicions that either yourself or a cherished individual has fallen victim to elder abuse, we offer guidance and support. An experienced elder abuse attorney in Los Angeles can be by your side throughout every step of the process.

Do not hesitate to contact us for a complimentary consultation to navigate through the options available to you.

Ways to Tell If Your Elderly Loved One Has Been Abused

Elder abuse manifests in various forms, encompassing physical, emotional, and financial maltreatment, among others.

Caregivers and institutions alike are obligated to uphold a standard of care. This includes fostering an environment that is both safe and dignified for our elders.

Should you perceive signs of mistreatment or harm inflicted upon a loved one under the supervision of an institution or individual, please reach out.

Clear Signs of Elder Abuse

Bedsores, muscle atrophy, and skin injuries (ranging from minor abrasions to severe wounds or burns), may occur due to falls, mishandling, or neglect within nursing home settings.

Infections can arise from inadequate care, hygiene, wound treatment, medical attention, or the spread of contagious diseases within facilities.

Unmet hygiene needs, caused by time and resource constraints, may result in skin conditions, infections, and diminished self-esteem.

Reduced social interaction due to staff shortages contributes to loneliness and isolation, detrimental to mental and physical health.

Malnutrition or dehydration may occur when residents do not receive timely meals or assistance with eating.

There are many more examples than just those. You know your loved ones best. If you believe they may have been abused, it’s worth a conversation with us.

Types of Elder Abuse

Mental or Physical Abuse stand as perhaps the most common, unfortunately, forms of mistreatment, involving intentional acts that inflict harm or distress upon an elderly individual.

Physical abuse encompasses a spectrum of actions ranging from hitting and slapping to more insidious forms of harm, such as pushing or other physical assaults.

Conversely, Mental abuse inflicts emotional distress through threats, intimidation, or humiliation, eroding the individual’s mental and emotional well-being. Indeed, emotional harm inflicted through intimidation, yelling, or threats adds another layer of suffering, eroding the individual’s sense of security and dignity.

Sexual abuse represents a particularly egregious violation of trust and autonomy, perpetrating non-consensual sexual contact upon vulnerable seniors. Infliction of physical harm, ranging from hitting to improper restraint use, inflicts bodily injury and undermines the individual’s physical well-being.

Financial abuse, a prevalent and insidious form of elder mistreatment, involves the unlawful or improper use of seniors’ funds, property, or assets. This can include various deceptive practices aimed at exploiting vulnerable seniors for financial gain.

Another form of this: overcharging or double-billing for medical services, thus draining financial resources. More common than many may think, some will forge signatures on financial documents, theft of assets, and other fraudulent activities further compound the financial exploitation of seniors, eroding their financial security and autonomy.

Those are by no means all of the ways that elders can be abused. If you believe any of that happened to your loved one, we strongly encourage you to reach out to us.

How We Find Who’s Liable for the Abuse of Your Elderly Loved One

Responsibility for the abuse may not solely rest upon caregivers, but extend to the institutions or organizations employing them.

Elder Abuse Attorney in Los AngelesFailure to uphold the duty of safeguarding the elderly and delivering adequate care may render these entities liable. Financial institutions facilitating instances of financial exploitation could also face repercussions. Our comprehensive evaluation of your case will endeavor to pinpoint all potentially liable parties.

The Compensation For All That Your Loved One Has Been Through

Compensation sought in cases of elder abuse is contingent upon the circumstances of your case.

Potential restitution may encompass financial reimbursement for medical expenses incurred and losses sustained as a result of the abuse, alongside consideration for the emotional distress endured.

Furthermore, punitive measures may be warranted to hold culpable parties accountable for their transgressions and to serve as a deterrent against future misconduct.

We will do everything we can to make sure you and your loved one receive everything that you should.

Contact an Experienced Elder Abuse Attorney in Los Angeles Today

We understand how challenging all of this can be. We have helped many through the process, starting with where you are right now. If your loved one has been abused, or you think they may have been, we encourage you to contact us.

Whether the mistreatment occurred within a nursing home, assisted living facility, or at the hands of an individual caregiver, we stand prepared to champion your cause and pursue justice vigorously. Our mission is to ensure transparency prevails and that you secure the compensation and closure rightfully yours.

Remember, the paramount concern in elder abuse cases is the welfare of your loved one. To arrange a complimentary consultation and delve into the specifics of your elder abuse case, connect with us via our website or place a call to our offices.

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